Our Race Rules

Race Rules

We don’t need a lot of rules to run our friendly Cyclocross events, but there are some guiding principles for participants in  this League:

  • Single framesets only – one bike only per competitor.
  • No pressure washers


League points will be awarded as best 8 scores from 10 events (note, this can be 7 from 9 depending on seasonal event league variations). This rule is subject to relaxation at the discretion of NWCX Committee  where bad weather has prevented attendance or where a competitor has been affected by circumstances beyond their control.

Race Disclaimer for (A) adult competitors and (B) parents or guardians of competitors aged under the age of 18.

(A) It is an express condition of entry and participation in North Wales Cyclocross Group (NWCXG) events that adult competitors agree to the following disclaimer:

I agree that by taking part in any North Wales Cyclocross League (NWCXG) event I give permission for my likeness in the form of photographs or video sequences to appear in North Wales Cyclocross League websites, Facebook pages or other social media platforms without notification.

I understand and agree that my participation in any North Wales Cyclocross event is conditional upon my acceptance of the following terms & conditions:

  1. I am aware that cycling, including cyclocross, involves the possibility of death or serious injury.
  2. I agree to abide by all applicable NWCX rules governing participation and that I have ultimate responsibility for my personal safety and suitability whilst attending, practising and competing in NWCX events including my fitness and emotional preparedness to participate.
  3. I am in agreement that NWCX cannot be held responsible for injury or loss caused to me by the actions, omissions, accidents or incidents of other competitors.
  4. I am in agreement that NWCX cannot be held responsible for injury or loss caused to me by the actions, omissions, accidents or incidents caused by members of the general public, spectators, pet animals who may act beyond the control or supervision of NWCX.
  5. I agree to remove myself from participation if, before or during a race, I anticipate or observe any unusual or abnormal hazard arising during the event. I agree to notify the race organiser of any hazard arising during the event
  6. I agree that I will come to the aid of any competitor who appears to be injured or incapacitated during a race. I agree to alert race officials if another competitor appears injured or incapacitated
  7. I agree to remove myself from participation if, before or during a race, I feel unable, unwell or unfit to safely continue for any reason.
  8. I give, a FULL RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have, or may have in the future, against NWCX from all liability for any loss damage, injury or expense that I may suffer as a result of my participation in any part or parts of this event or my presence at any NWCX event which I may attend, due to any cause whatsoever including any form of negligence.

 I agree to the terms of the NWCXG disclaimer as an adult participant

(B) It is an express condition of entry and participation by a competitor aged under eighteen years in  a North Wales Cyclocross Events that  a Parent (or where applicable*, a Guardian) provides consent and agrees to the following disclaimer:

I as parent/guardian agree that by allowing my child to take part in any North Wales Cyclocross League (NWCXG) event I give permission for my child’s likeness in the form of photographs or video sequences to appear in North Wales Cyclocross League websites, Facebook pages or other social media platforms without notification.

I understand and agree that my child’s participation in any North Wales Cyclocross event is conditional upon my acceptance of the following terms & conditions:

  1. I am aware that cycling, including cyclocross, involves the possibility of death or serious injury.
  2. I agree that my child will abide by all applicable NWCXG rules governing participation and that I have ultimate parental (or guardian) responsibility for my child’s personal safety and suitability whilst attending, practising and competing in NWCXG events including their fitness and emotional preparedness to participate. I agree that I, as parent or guardian, will abide by all NWCX rules governing the participation of my child.
  3. I am in agreement that NWCXG cannot be held responsible for injury or loss caused to my child by the actions, omissions, accidents or incidents of other competitors.
  4. I am in agreement that NWCXG cannot be held responsible for the injury or loss caused to my child by the actions, omissions, accidents or incidents caused by members of the general public, spectators, pet animals who may act beyond the control or supervision of NWCXG.
  5. I agree that my child with remove themself from participation if, before or during a race, they anticipate or observe any unusual or abnormal hazard that arises during the event. I agree that I will withdraw my child from participation if, before or during a race, I anticipate or observe any unusual or abnormal hazard arising during the event. I agree to notify the race organiser of any abnormal hazards arising during the event
  6. I agree that I will come to the aid of any competitor who appears to be injured or incapacitated during a race whether my child or another child. I agree to alert race officials if my child or another child is injured or incapacitated during the event.
  7. I agree to remove my child from participation if, before or during a race, the child says they are unable, unwell or unfit to safely continue for any reason. I agree to remove my child from participation if, before or during a race, I deem my child unable, unwell or unfit to safely continue for any reason.
  8. I give, a FULL RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have, or may have in the future, against NWCXG from all liability for any loss damage, injury or expense that my child may suffer as a result of participation in any part or parts of this event or my presence at any NWCX event which I may attend, due to any cause whatsoever including any form of negligence.

I, as parent or guardian of a competitor aged under eighteen, agree to the terms of the NWCXG parental/guardian disclaimer.